Destination Sourcing + Site Selection + Flight Bookings
VAMOSai will save you time and money. We guarantee it.
Instantly get departure airport codes and analyze unlimited global destinations for any size group.
See flight costs, travel times and average number of connections.
Seamless Traveler Upload
Instant Departure Airport Identifier
Create Unlimited Projects
Unlimited Destinations to Analyze
VAMOSai Planning Tools
Export Reports
Budget Calculator
24/7 online support
Site Selection
Done for you Venue Sourcing and Contract Negotiations.
Expedite the Site Selection process to see 7-12 available and contract-ready venues for your event within 10 days.
Dedicated Site Selection Agent
Guaranteed Availability
Expertly Negotiated Rates
Budget Management
Most Unique Venues
Flight Management
*this can only be added onto Site Selection Service
Full-service flight management for your all of your invitees.
Create budget guidelines and allow invitees to seamlessly book within your custom Flight Portal.
24/7 Dedicated Team
Streamlined Confirmation Numbers to Manage Ground Transport
Seamless System for Easy Booking
Need clarification?
Can I try it for free?
Yes, you sure can! Once you sign-up you will get free credits to try the tool.
Why sell credits?
Selling credits allows us to offer volume discounts later on.
Can I earn free credits?
You can earn free credits by giving VAMOSai a backlink on your site.
Is there a support team?
One of the best in the world, we think.